Saturday, February 24, 2018

Dungeon Challenge

I did this for an art-a-day challenge. I kind of liked this one. It’s by no means close to being good, but it was quick, easy and a blast to do. 

.It started out as a photo of me playing golf (below). I found most of the other images on line. The dungeon was from a larger photo, I cropped it and cloned all the extra stuff out. I put in a friendly rat. Found a dress I liked and copied and cloned it on. Then found these awesome shoes. I drew the chains and erased the golf club. 
All the work was done on the ArtStudio app for iPad. I painted everything to match using a paintbrush at about 30% so it wouldn’t cover up detail, just add the correct aqua color. 

Las Vegas Sign..sign

We were very amused, when we were walking to the famous Welcome to Las Vegas sign, to see a sign pointing to the sign. We had to get a photo. Of course with only two of us and nowhere to set a phone down for a timed snap, we just took each other’s photo.
Here’s how it looked put together and finished.
After I cleaned up the two photos and put them together I ran it through the Photo College Creator App. I used the milk bottle filter. Then I ran that through a filter on Prisma at about 50%.

Here’s what just one of the photos looked like before and editing. We went on different sides of the sign and made sure we kept to the same location to snap the photos. This just makes it easier later to put them together. As you can see it needed leveling before I could use it. The leveling, erasing and putting together was done completely in ArtStudio.

Dr. Who and Makayla

My niece is a big Dr. Who fan. I decided to put her in a photo with a Dr. Who and make her a bag and t-shirt.
I started with a photo of Dr. Who that I found on line. It had to be one that had room in it for another person. This one was perfect. Then I looked for a photo of Makayla that had about the same pose. I had one from Vegas where she was standing in front of a picture.

Opened them both on separate layers in ArtStudio (iPad app) erased all her background, water bottle, and purse, sized her to fit then added her to his photo. I then cloned and manipulated the wand and her hand. I then put the whole thing through a filter from Prisma at about 50%. 

Prisma app

This is my new favorite effect app. It has so many choices. And news ones almost daily.

Original photo above, although it’s been leveled a bit in ArtStudio

Friday, February 23, 2018

Came to visit us  at our golf cart today. Didn’t even mind the puppy in the cart.Used ArtStudio to level, crop, and adjust. Use Prisma to put it through one filter. 

Summer Road Trip

I made a page for all the summer road trip pages I made. Check them out.
We went out west in our new little camper. Bob, me, and our new little puppy, Buffy. We made stops in Florida, Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Tennessee, and back to Florida. It was fantastic. We just traded our little trailer in for a class A motor home. Waiting for delivery as I write this. 

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

I’m back...

  I couldn’t believe it was five years since I posted to this blog...I was looking at my old program list and realized they don’t even work any more on an updated iPad. (Which is kind of sad as they were excellent programs)

   I am now using ArtStudio for iPad for most of my basic work. It is a very full photoshop like program, I actually find it better. I now use an iPad Pro with a pen. It’s so nice...

This was cleaned up, leveled, and cropped in ArtStudio and the ran through a filter on Prisma.